Saturday, March 22, 2008

I think the most valuable lesson that i've learnt for P2 is.

choose the right people to work with you.

especially for FYP.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

yesterday was interim two.
lots of pleasant comments!
Wow. so glad that we DID stop motion after so much of a discussion.

ok the point is,
when you are doing stop motion,
it's like exploring the art of their movements.

in movement of the the objects,
you can judge it's character and behaviour.
so much more interesting thing to learn besides
planning camera angles and framing stuffs.
of course, planning part is also important.
if you get what i mean.

I must say,
throughout this project,
i've truly learnt alot.
Not only from the from every individual group members,
but also from the tomatoes.

you see,
every individuals has their own way of working.
and here, the essential thing is,
knowing your group mates.
talk to them and understand them.
this would help in doing group works.

instead of talking to colleagues, you are now talking to friends.
If only everyone thinks like that,
there will be more friends than enemies.

it's easier to say than to be done.

ok. i shall stop here today.
we will be compiling all the docus later on.
i'm in charge of the story board, editing and assisting the director,
so well, i did my necessary documentation too.

haha. i wonder how are we going to pass up everything.
as in the hard copy ones.

and YES!
P2 is ending!~ :D

it's kind of funny, how kong can remember everything single detail that happened in a day.
So if you want to know what EXACTLY happened during work, read his blog.
his is more precise. hahaa.

then i heard that there will be a screening next week.
our final video is called:

thats because we had render testing too many times.

today is just compiling all the documents and yep!
its all done.

it will be ready to be submitted tmr.


Monday, March 17, 2008

We are Almost done! YAY.i was rather early today. hahaha.
so did a final touch on the sound effects and also sme visual editing.
So far s good lah.
compared to P1,
P2 was less less less stress.
at least we've got team work. yeah.

novem reached a little later.
so redo the credits
because it was moving too fast and wasn't really readable.
so yup. redo.
through the all seeing eye~ HAHA.

the school really looks scary at night from here.

tomorrow will be interium presentation 2!

and i'm happy cause we are all done!

we are left with the motion graphics.
which kong they all had difficulties trying to import the file into FCP.
so sad.

Oh wells, what to do.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

still working on with the whole video.

some audio parts needs to re-do.

we are going to do a trailer.
maybe a 10 secs trailer will do.
yi jie they all had a hard time trying to import the trailer.
omg. how.

and yes. nothing much today.

I think Bern's group's stop motion is goooooood. :D
i like~

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

AND, here the pics that is supposed to be here yesterday.
it's V.O-day.


look at how fierce she is.
omg. haha.
it's really quite stressful, i understand.

Gambatte to everyone!
work hard play hard too! :D

Monday, March 10, 2008

there is something wrong with hereafter too.

no choice. had to slack. i feel like sleeping now man.

blogger is going crazy like us too.

today we did the voice overs for little mato and old toto. oh yea, and the narrator.
heres the plan,

little MATO=froggy
Old TOTO=Kong

however, because nick's powerful voice is so power, we decided to use his rather than kong's voice for old toto. wahah.

so in the end,

Old TOTO=Nick
little MATO=froggy

(haha. does it matters)

on the other hand,
subha and rachel are working on the credits
kong and yijie is doing the introduction.

we will do the final edit all in FCP again.
cuase some of the parts are to rushed.

and then we'll prepare for the presentation2.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

HAHA. so cute.

Thursday, March 6, 2008




everything is going on much fine.
the things were done in time.

Novem, yijie and me reached the audio room at about 12plus.
followed by the rest. =)
Subha is sick. please take care of yourself! =)

she was looking so hard for the perfect sound effects.

and after awhile. . . . . . . .

SHE started to go crazy!
just look at her.
this is super multitasking.

And on the other,

Rachel, was helping me with editing the clips.

Kong is exploring the LiveType.
I think if we had a very zai intro text, that will be super cool.
yeah! so yah KONG!

Yijie is very nice,
he helped in anyways he can.
for example, returning the equipments.
he works just right as a gaffer. (kow tow man)

I had to leave early today.
leaving rachel and novem editing in school.
oh yah. kong had to leave too. yeap.

it's been so cold the whole day.