Wednesday, February 27, 2008

After julian talked to us this morning.
we decided that instead of apples, we should use tomatoes.
the fact that tomatoes are juicier and smaller size than apples.
there's a problem between reality and fantasy.
it's solved in the end though. :)

Verm the saver!
she suggested that we split the task between ourselves.
so, verm and me is working on the script.
subha and rachel is buying all the props.
yi jie and kong is doing the set up.
cool man.

and in one day, we managed to do so many things.
how great. =)

the TOMATOED Script was done!

thanks to novem.
we were having fun imagining the scenario.
it's such a pleasant thing to be applying the camera techniques learned in year 2.
other than that, we decided to add in film language ingredients.

As a group, we talked about the characters that are involved:

The little tomato.
Little MATO (main lead)
- Naughty. Cheeky. super small sized

Smelly Durian.
- stinks anti social. No ones dare to get near him because of his spikes.

Family members: Tomato family, OLD TOTO and all the other children

OLD TOTO: tells story. Warn them not to go near the cave.

I don't feel like revealing the story here. :D

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