Tuesday, March 4, 2008

today's production day 2!

and we managed to finish all the scenes, including tomorrows'.

everyone is very happy with ourselves.

when me and novem is doing a rough editing just now,
we realised that there are some scenes missing.

we (or maybe its me) accidentally deleted it when we are fidgeting around with p2 cam.

yup! and thats the reason why i dont really like to work with HD cam.
i rather work with machines that i'm more familiar with you see.
but again, we should always experiment on new stuffs so that we can learn new things.

and true enough, through this project,
i've got to know HD cam more.
(thanks to peng and the manual book)

if given an opportunity,
i really would like to bring HD cam out of school to shoot.
:D yeah.
anyway, as for the deleted scenes,
we still have tomorrow to re-shoot.

i feel lucky man. :D

okay. lets talk about today's shoot.
not too bad, i should say.

everything went on smoothly.

so far no conti error.
and we got all the shots that we want.
for example the moving clouds and the MATO angel scene. :D

and OH YAH!
ONE of our greatest fear is what if we can't hit 4minutes.
we can chill now.
cause it hit 4 minutes! (nearly though) ;D

yep! and. . . . . . . . . . .. ..
maybe we can add in more scenes. *ahem Subtext eh. *
and finally, the super gruesome scene!
we cant find durian.
so our sweet sweet Subha and Rachel bought pineapple instead.

i wonder if the script has to change too.

so smart man. :D
alrights, in the story,
the tomato-boy who lied is supposed to die.
but his stunt-man died for him !

damn sad and


the tomatoes starts to have a wierd smell.

YES AAHH! tonight can chill and relax.
tomorrow can sleep more. yay!

TO Little MATO, Old TOTO, Peter, Susan, the Stuntmato . .
and all the fellow tomatoers,
I'll always remember you.

and bless us with good grades in heaven. ;D

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